Leftover Window Background

Floaters is learning a background of the window as can be seen in the attached image.
Steve Mattan 7 days ago
  • 6 days ago

    Thanks, Steve. That’s quite strange. Does it happen often? And when it happens, does activating and deactivating the window resolve it? Might just be a refresh issue when the window isn’t active.

  • 4 days ago

    When I first downloaded and installed Floaters, It happened from the start and would not go away. Now today, it has not happened at all. Curious for sure.

    Should it recur, I'll let you know.

  • 3 days ago

    Thank you for the response. Please follow up if it happens again. There’s always a chance it was just an issue with the macOS system/window server and a restart could have fixed everything. But there’s also a chance it’s something in the Floaters code.