Floaters Docs Markdown

Getting Started

Floaters is in beta, but Floaters' Markdown support is like...really in beta. There will probably be some bugs, so please be sure to report them so we can squash them!

Markdown is a popular markup language that can be used to add formatting and other elements to plain text documents.

Floaters can read and write Markdown, as well as process inline Markdown -- automatically applying formatting and creating elements.

Using Markdown in Floaters

The growing list of available Markdown tags will be parsed and applied to the text as you type.

Line-starting formats that must be at the beginning of a line (such as # heading, > block quote, etc) will be applied when adding a space after the matching tag.

Line Starting Tags

Non-line-starting formats (such as bold, highlight, links, etc) will be applied based on your selections in the Settings Window → Markdown section.

Inline Tags


You can customize how Floaters handles Markdown in various ways. In the Settings Window → Markdown section you can adjust the following:

  • Enable Keyboard Shortcuts - If this is checked, you can use ⌘⏎ to process Markdown on the current line, or ⌘⇧⏎ to process Markdown for the entire floater. This will remove any matching tags and apply their styling or elements to the document.
  • Process Automatically When Changing Lines - When enabled, Floaters will check and process each modified line automatically as you move the text cursor away from it.

Not Yet Implemented

There are several tags that have not yet been implemented that we're still working to add to Floaters. In addition, we will be adding a Markdown Source Mode where you can view and edit a document's unformatted text exactly as it would be in Markdown.